Purpose: A key part of NEST’s mission is to engage with allied organizations and support advocacy campaigns relevant to our work in environmental and social justice. Opportunities to sign on as campaign supporters and/or promoters tend to be time-sensitive, and need to be responded to in a timely fashion. NEST also wants to expand our reach by actively seeking out and amplifying allied campaigns.
Respond quickly to potential allied campaign opportunities by: determining whether the campaign fits with NEST’s mission and goals; connecting with campaign organizers to determine next steps; communicating with other NEST members as appropriate.
Posting calls to action on NEST social media channels to amplify selected campaigns
Pro-actively seek campaigns that fit with NEST’s mission and goals
Time Commitment: Most of the role is one of surveillance, with action as-needed; 1-2 hours initially needed to curate a social media feed to monitor allied groups; aiming for 2-4 campaigns amplified per month through NEST - 1 hour max per campaign
Benefits: An opportunity to broaden a personal awareness of organizations skilled in advocating for justice; may create opportunities to become more actively engaged in the work beyond amplification
Let us know if you have other resources to suggest!